Volunteer Opportunities
Our volunteers play a vital role in achieving our mission of serving survivors of sexual and domestic violence. We regularly need volunteers in several areas. You will be trained by The Cocoon’s Education & Outreach Coordinator and then supervised by a staff member based on your area of volunteering.
We hope that one of our volunteer opportunities fits your interests/needs. Thank you so much in advance for considering volunteering at The Cocoon.

Volunteer Requirements:
- Submit a volunteer application and up-to-date resume.
- Have an in-person interview with one of The Cocoon's staff members to discuss volunteer opportunities.
- Complete a background check (paid for by The Cocoon).
- Complete a 12-hour training curriculum (at minimum, training curriculum varies based on opportunity).
- Commit to be a volunteer for at least 12 months.
- Sign a confidentiality agreement.
Current Opportunities
Below are our current opportunities. If you have any questions about our volunteer opportunities, please email us at volunteer@thecocoon.org.
On-Call Advocate
Requires Additional Training
Be on-call to provide assistance to survivors of sexual and domestic violence.
- Complete a 40-hour training curriculum, provided in-house.
- Commit to at least 12 months, after training is completed (College Seniors will not be accepted for training unless they live in Wood Co. or the surrounding area and can meet this commitment after graduation).
- Commit to taking on-call shifts after 4 PM during the week until 8 AM the next business day, or weekends, or holidays.
- Schedule your 3 monthly on-call shifts based on your availability (you can sign up for more if you wish).
- Agree to being at home/available during on-call hours and able to respond to survivor requests for assistance.
- Agree to respond to in-person outreaches, such as the hospital or police station, as the need arises.
- Document all survivor contacts by the end of the volunteer shift.
- Call the supervisor to de-brief after all contacts.
Childcare Volunteers
Requires Additional Training
Provide childcare for children while their parents/guardians are in support group or as the need arises.
- Complete a 16-hour training curriculum.
- Commit to weekly, biweekly, or monthly time slots.
Special Events Volunteers
Assist at fundraising and community awareness events, including preparation, set-up, and tear down.
- Staff information tables at local community events.
- Distribute flyers, brochures, and other material to publicize events and services.
interpretation Volunteers
Provide interpretation (e.g. Spanish, ASL, etc.) to shelter residents, as the need arises.
- Must have experience in providing interpretation, and/or translation.
- Commit to weekly time slots between 9 AM and 4 PM.
animal Foster Care Volunteers
In partnership with the Wood County Humane Society, serve as a foster family for domestic animals.
- Serve as a foster family for domestic animals (animals which live indoors; not farm animals) when survivors must leave their homes and cannot take their pets with them.
- Contact the Wood County Humane Society at 419-352-7339 and apply to become a foster home.
- Indicate that you will serve as a foster home for pets whose owners must leave their homes due to safety issues.
- Follow all the rules and regulations of the Wood County Humane Society.
Office Volunteers
Complete essential office tasks, such as answering the phones and door.
- Commit to weekly, biweekly, or monthly time slots between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM.
- Assist with large projects, such as mailings.
Building Care Volunteers
Provide building cleaning and donation sorting, as well as, donation pick-up and drop-off.
- Drive to locations in the community for donation pick-up and drop-off.
- Commit to weekly, biweekly, or monthly time slots between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM.
- Assist with occasional large projects, such as wrapping holiday presents.
skilled Trades/Licensed Professionals
Provide assistance with plumbing, electrical, home repair, or other services that require skilled training.
- Commit to being on a list of trusted professionals who can be contacted if the need for work arises.
- Set your volunteer hours at a time that is convenient for you.
- Sign a confidentiality contract.
Service Project Volunteers
Service projects include onsite (ex. donation sorting ) and offsite (ex. fundraisers) days of service.
- Onsite service projects vary but often include tasks such as facility care as well as donation sorting and organization.
- Offsite service projects include donation drives and fundraisers.
- We cannot guarantee that we have an onsite project to match your group’s size and availability.
- To help us find a good match please fill out our Service Project Interest Form.
"random Acts of Kindness" Volunteers
Provide monthly or twice-a-month financial assistance to a survivor for a variety of individualized needs.
- Needs include; a birthday cake for a child, haircut, movie tickets for a family, etc.
- Recruit friends and fundraise for larger amounts of money to assist survivors for particular needs such as family passes to the zoo, etc.
- Sign a confidentiality contract.
Become an undergraduate or graduate student intern at The Cocoon.
- Advocacy interns are required to complete 40 hours of advocacy training prior to beginning their internship.
- Email your resume to volunteer@thecocoon.org for an application.
Become A Volunteer
We hope one of these opportunities fits your interests. If so, please complete our volunteer application form.