Metamorphosis Society
The Metamorphosis Society is designated to celebrate donors who have named The Cocoon Shelter dba The Cocoon in their estate plans. Planned giving can be as simple as designating a gift through your will, gifting life insurance policies or securities, or designating “The Cocoon Shelter dba The Cocoon” as a beneficiary on a retirement or life insurance plan.
The Cocoon is a- not-for-profit organization, and gifts are tax deductible as permitted by federal law under 501(c)3 nonprofit status. Consult with your tax professional, attorney, and account custodians to be sure you understand what your planned gift entails and any tax implications that may be associated with it.
To join contact Robin Guidera at 419-373-1730, ext. 1002, via email at r.guidera@thecocoon.org, or by clicking the button below.
Metamorphosis Society Benefits:
- You will have an opportunity to meet quarterly with The Cocoon's Executive Director and Key Staff to learn more about current happenings at the agency.
- Receive updates on programming, impact, and community collaborations.
- Be invited to an annual reception with other Metamorphosis Society Members and Key Staff and The Cocoon's Board Members.
- Receive a copy of The Cocoon's Annual Report.
How You Can Help
There are a number of ways that you can join The Metamorphosis Society but it is important to select the option that works best for you. Always consult your financial advisors to find the options that fit your financial situation best. Here are the 5 most common ways members join and support The Cocoon. Remember to always use our business name “The Cocoon Shelter dba The Cocoon” when making any type of planned giving.
01. Bequest in Will or Trust
Suggested language for testamentary gifts for you to share with your attorney: I give, devise and bequeath to “The Cocoon Shelter dba The Cocoon”, PO Box 1165, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402, in the sum of $____(or otherwise specify the gift or percentage of the estate) to be used for general purposes of the organization.
02. Beneficiary
Consider naming “The Cocoon Shelter dba The Cocoon” as a primary or contingent beneficiary of your retirement or life insurance plan.
03. Retirement Accounts
There are a variety of retirement plan assets, including; IRA, 401(k), Pension, or Keogh. Be sure to clearly designate beneficiaries and distribution amounts/percentages.
04. Life Insurance
You may no longer need life insurance policies to provide for your children or other family members. Consider donating the policy to “The Cocoon Shelter dba The Cocoon” or naming the organization as a beneficiary. Ways to give a gift of life insurance include; naming us as a primary or contingent beneficiary on a policy, designating 100% or other percentage to The Cocoon, give a paid-up policy – for policies that have outlived their purpose, buy a new policy – name us as both the owner and beneficiary, or give a single premium policy for maximum benefits.
05. qualified Charitable Distribution IRA
You may be able to lower your taxable income by making a qualified charitable gift from your IRA’s Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) given from a RMD are potentially tax-free gifts. Contact your IRA custodian to make your gift after consulting with your tax professional regarding the requirements. Always be sure to inform your tax preparer that your gift came from your RMD. It is important to transfer the funds directly from the IRA to the charity, using our legal name “The Cocoon Shelter dba The Cocoon”.
Planned Giving Form:
Fields marked with an * are required fields.