G.E.M. Membership
Gives Every Month or G.E.M. as we call it is a great way to support The Cocoon all year long. A G.E.M. Membership allows you to work your charitable donations into your budget. Every month your selected monthly donation amount can be debited directly from your debit or credit card, or you can send a check monthly, allowing you to easily track your donations.
When you choose to donate monthly you get to see in real-time the impact that your donation is making.
What Is A G.E.M.?
When you sign up to make a monthly recurring gift, you will automatically become a G.E.M. Member. Benefits of membership include:
- An invitation to an annual Open House Reception with other monthly donors and key staff from The Cocoon and Board Members.
- Priority notification of exciting NEW programs, services, and happenings at the agency.
- A copy of The Cocoon's Annual Report.
- Each month you will be sent a thank you letter which will include a story from a survivor talking about the services they received thanks to your ongoing support.