The Purple Ribbon Award was established by Theresa’s Fund,, and other experts in the field to annually honor the countless heroes of the domestic violence movement. Nominees include advocates, programs, shelters, survivors, and members of the community support system across the country. Winners are determined by judges scoring across four factors: Challenge and Impact (the scope of the challenge faced and overcome); Creativity and Originality (the inventiveness of the nominee in their endeavor); Submission Excellence (the caliber of the materials accompanying the entry); and Overall (the overall performance of the entry relative to other entries.)
“The Cocoon thanks Todd Curtis, Lead Investigator at Wood County Common Pleas Court, for nominating us for this prestigious award. It is an honor to be nominated by Todd, who himself worked tirelessly over the last 30 years to bring justice to those suffering abuse in our community. And being selected from countless programs across the country, well, we were all pretty speechless!”, said Kathy Mull, The Cocoon’s Executive Director.
All Purple Ribbon Award nominees receive a certificate of recognition. The top three in each category receive the coveted Purple Ribbon Award. Additionally, the top entries across all categories will receive a portion of grants totaling up to $30,000. Grant winners will be announced in May.
Watch our segment on The Cocoon wins Purple Ribbon Award.